# parts

# Functions


Returns a CSG cube object with the same extent of all parameters objects passed in.

RoundedCube(x, y, [thickness], [corner_radius])CSG

Creates a cube with the x and y corners rounded. The z faces are flat. Intended to create circut boards and similar objects.

Cylinder(diameter, height, [options])CSG

A Cylinder primative located at the origin.

Cone(diameter1, diameter2, height, options)CSG

Creats a cone.

Hexagon(diameter, height)

Creates a hexagon.

Triangle(base, height)CSG

Creats a 3 sided prisim

Tube(outsideDiameter, insideDiameter, height, [outsideOptions], [insideOptions])CSG

Create a tube

Anchor(width, height)

# BBox() ⇒ CSG

Returns a CSG cube object with the same extent of all parameters objects passed in.

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A box with the size of the extents of all of the passed in objects

Param Type Description
...objects CSG Any number of CSG objects to create a bounding box for.

# RoundedCube(x, y, [thickness], [corner_radius]) ⇒ CSG

Creates a cube with the x and y corners rounded. The z faces are flat. Intended to create circut boards and similar objects.

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A csg rounded cube.

Param Type Default Description
x Number | CSG The x dimension size or a CSG object to get dimensions from.
y Number The y dimension size
[thickness] Number 1.62 Thickness in the z dimension of the cube.
[corner_radius] Number Radius of the corners.

# Cylinder(diameter, height, [options]) ⇒ CSG

A Cylinder primative located at the origin.

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A CSG Cylinder

Param Type Description
diameter Number Diameter of the cylinder
height Number Height of the cylinder
[options] Object Options passed to the CSG.cylinder function.
[options.resolution] number The number of segments to create in 360 degrees of rotation.

# Cone(diameter1, diameter2, height, options) ⇒ CSG

Creats a cone.

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A CSG cone object.

Param Type Description
diameter1 Number Radius of the bottom of the cone.
diameter2 Number Radius of the top of the cone.
height Number Height of the cone.
options Object Additional options passed to CSG.cylinder.

# Hexagon(diameter, height)

Creates a hexagon.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
diameter number Outside diameter of the hexagon
height number height of the hexagon

# Triangle(base, height) ⇒ CSG

Creats a 3 sided prisim

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A prisim object.

Param Type Description
base Number The base of the triangle.
height Number The height of the prisim.

# Tube(outsideDiameter, insideDiameter, height, [outsideOptions], [insideOptions]) ⇒ CSG

Create a tube

Kind: global function
Returns: CSG - A CSG Tube

Param Type Description
outsideDiameter Number Outside diameter of the tube.
insideDiameter Number Inside diameter of the tube.
height Number Height of the tube.
[outsideOptions] Object Options passed to the outside cylinder.
[outsideOptions.resolution] number The resolution option determines the number of segments to create in 360 degrees of rotation.
[insideOptions] Object Options passed to the inside cylinder
[insideOptions.resolution] number The resolution option determines the number of segments to create in 360 degrees of rotation.

# Anchor(width, height)

Kind: global function

Param Type
width Number
height Number